In order to make your brand a success in the long term, it is critical to create a “brand strategy” with solid foundations and to follow it makes your brand creditable easily. The success of a brand is not just about being “at the right time” or in the “right place”, but having the right creative message.

If you neglect to create your brand’s strategy in detail and to update it periodically; it will be easier to follow this strategy and reach the targets. We are talking about a much deeper strategy than the combination of a logo and a few creative ideas.

Here are three things that every brand must define:

  • What is the goal of your brand?
  • Who are your customers?
  • How does your brand define long-term success?

To know the answers to these questions; It helps you determine what your goals should be, how you should approach your customers, and how you will measure your success in achieving your goals.

So what exactly is this ‘Brand Strategy’

Defining a brand strategy can be difficult but includes:

  • The meaning of your brand.
  • The promises your brand makes to customers.
  • The personality your brand transmits to customers through marketing.

Yes, almost all of this sounds abstract. How is this abstraction measured? How do you measure whether you successfully defend what your brand stands for, or whether you can express it better?

The only main measure for a successful brand strategy is ‘brand sensitivity’. Just because it’s hard to measure doesn’t mean we can ignore it. As Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky has made it clear;

‘Designing the experience is a different part of your brain than scaling your experience. This is a different skill set. The scaling experience is a highly analytical, operations-oriented and technology-driven issue. Designing the experience is a more intuitive, human, empathic, end-to-end experience. “

Developing Intuition

Creating a ‘Brand Strategy’ is about the intuitive side of the mind. However, you can also use the data to determine and change your direction. One way to find out if it is on the right track in brand strategy is to think of it as a story you tell.

A good story is not just something to read on a page – it’s an experience. Of course, for something to turn into an experience, it has to have a beginning, middle, and end. At the end of the experience, we must witness the completion of some kind of ongoing change from the beginning. It is tension. There must be tension between the antithesis and your thesis.

In terms of marketing, your “antithesis” is your customer’s pain point. Your “thesis” is your solution to this problem. So the tension is the customer’s problem itself. This is the entire product displayed at the subatomic level; It is the core of your market fit. If you don’t have a tension then you don’t have a story or a strategy.

So, at the end of the day, brand strategy is reduced to one thing; storytelling! Your brand’s strategy; is your brand’s story, vision, heart and soul.

Here are Some Questions and Topics to Ask When Creating Your Brand Strategy:

What problem does my brand solve?

  • Who is my ideal client?
  • Who are our competitors?
  • How should my brand make my customers feel?
  • Why can my customers trust me?
  • What’s the story behind the creation of my brand?
  • If my brand was a person, what would his personality be like?
  • What kind of people and who does my ideal customer group consist of?
  • Where is my ideal customer group and how do I reach them?

And finally, to summarize, to create a brand strategy;

You need to research and understand your client. You should know what your brand stands for and what your brand’s story is.

Before starting to run marketing campaigns, you should determine your marketing techniques by feeding on the first two issues.

Take the time to do this right from the beginning so that success can be followed in a much easier and enjoyable line!

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